ROCKETS Holding GmbH

devel­op­ing finance mech­a­nisms for green buildings

About the enterprise:

ROCKETS – the Fin­Tech enter­prise from Graz – found­ed in 2013 GREEN ROCKET, one of the first Crowd­fund­ing plat­forms in Aus­tria. By 2016, three plat­forms had been found­ed – GREEN ROCKET, HOME ROCKET and LION ROCKET, which are now respon­si­ble for the biggest year­ly vol­ume of invest­ment in the domes­tic crowd­fund­ing sector.

GREEN ROCKET has been con­test­ing its posi­tion as Europe’s lead­ing Crowd­fund­ing plat­form for the exclu­sive financ­ing of sus­tain­ably ori­ent­ed Start Ups and Enter­pris­es for years now. HOME ROCKET start­ed in 2015 as a plat­form for real estate-crowd­fund­ing and has only been coop­er­at­ing with renowned con­trac­tors, whose respec­tive real estate projects are reviewed by impar­tial assess­ments. LION ROCKET has been estab­lished as a plat­form for renowned enter­pris­es since its foun­da­tion in 2016 and com­bines financ­ing with mar­ket­ing and cos­tumer loy­al­ty activ­i­ties. In 2016 ROCKETS devel­oped the dig­i­tal online mark­ing of shares and bonds and placed it on the mar­ket. Since then it has been an offi­cial fund­ing part­ner of the Vien­na Exchange.

About the initiative:

With UNIC, ROCKETS want to start an ini­tia­tive, which puts HOME ROCKETS suc­cess­ful­ly financed real estate projects into the cen­ter. Its projects reg­u­lar­ly reach their respec­tive fund­ing lim­it, which shows the high trust of the crowd in these reviewed real estate projects. How­ev­er, one can notice, that these projects are not (rad­i­cal­ly) greened objects or projects that have the goal to explic­it­ly con­tribute to cli­mate change adaption.


It is the goal of this project ini­tia­tive with UNIC, in com­bi­na­tion with the sus­tain­able ori­en­ta­tion of the plat­form GREEN ROCKET, to rein­force the focus on the top­ic of Impact Invest­ment – specif­i­cal­ly on the top­ic of adap­tion to cli­mate change with green and blue infra­struc­ture on and around the real estate projects, for exam­ple via the green­ing of build­ings. This way, invest­ments by the crowd in a real estate project shall in the future con­tribute to the adap­tion to cli­mate change via green­ing and to cli­mate pro­tec­tion via the pas­sive cool­ing of buildings.

Incen­tive schemes and financ­ing mod­els shall be devel­oped with­in the frame­works of UNIC, so that in the future green infra­struc­ture will increas­ing­ly be thought of, financed and imple­ment­ed in projects. A pos­si­bil­i­ty would be social impact bonds, new cal­cu­la­tion mod­els for real estate val­ue growth through the green­ing of build­ings and in gen­er­al new financ­ing instru­ments that allow con­struc­tors to imple­ment and uti­lize green real estate more eas­i­ly. A demo-project design shall be developed.



  • Reg­is­tra­tion: from Feb­ru­ary 01st, 2020 
  • Con­gress: 24–25.09.2020
  • Which chal­lenges arise when financ­ing and imple­ment­ing green infra­struc­ture with real estate projects?
  • What are the rea­sons, green infra­struc­ture is only sel­dom­ly considered?
  • What do real estate devel­op­ers need, to be able to rather con­sid­er green infra­struc­ture in the future?
  • Which incen­tive schemes and which financ­ing mod­els allow for the broad­est impact and the most effi­cient financ­ing of green infra­struc­ture possible?
  • Which indi­vid­ual incen­tive schemes/ financ­ing mod­els are suit­able to enable climate-(impact-)-investments for real estate projects via ROCKETS?

    We are searching for:

    For the project “ROCKTES: devel­op­ing finance for green build­ings” we are search­ing for a max­i­mum of thir­ty par­tic­i­pants with the fol­low­ing backgrounds:


    • Cli­mate experts
    • Real estate devel­op­ers / build­ing contractors
    • Econ­o­my
    • Financ­ing experts
    • NGOs
    • Munic­i­pal­i­ty

      Green4Cities Ltd.
      Phone +43 676 330 28 04
      Plenergasse 1 Top 5, 1180 Vienna
      Austria • Europe