by Andrea Wieser | Sep 4, 2020 | Project
→Urban Agriculture ‑How to learn from Paris? In co-operation with With the rapidly growing cities and globalization, the local food production has been increasingly reduced in favor of industrially and / or globally produced food...
by Andrea Wieser | Aug 10, 2020 | Project
→Knartz in Green Celebrate until it turns green — Can public space in the city be regained for people, flora and fauna? With bass, beat and enthusiasm, Knartz shows how urban space can be reclaimed by dancing. The “Knartz in Green” project starts with...
by Andrea Wieser | Aug 10, 2020 | Project
→Greened by yourself — DIY greening platform What if we green the city ourselves — together and in the neighbourhood? The idea of a “green oasis” in the concentrated, grey urban space is often appealing. In many places there is a desire for plants in,...
by Andrea Wieser | Aug 10, 2020 | Project
→Green Market Report How can sustainable growth be achieved with green infrastructures? Green Infrastructure on buildings such as green roofs and walls is an important part of the NBS development across Europe in light of climate change adaptation and...
by Andrea Wieser | Feb 19, 2020 | Project
→Urban Vertical Green 2.0 Stakeholder Workshop – facade greening: It is getting hotter in cities worldwide. We are looking for ways to reduce the heating of cities. Due to the densely built-up areas of cities and the associated high degree of surface...
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