Urban Agriculture — How to learn from Paris?

Urban Agriculture — How to learn from Paris?

→Urban Agri­cul­ture ‑How to learn from Paris? In co-oper­a­tion with clevercities.eu With the rapid­ly grow­ing cities and glob­al­iza­tion, the local food pro­duc­tion has been increas­ing­ly reduced in favor of indus­tri­al­ly and / or glob­al­ly pro­duced food...
Knartz in Green

Knartz in Green

→Knartz in Green Cel­e­brate until it turns green — Can pub­lic space in the city be regained for peo­ple, flo­ra and fau­na? With bass, beat and enthu­si­asm, Knartz shows how urban space can be reclaimed by danc­ing. The “Knartz in Green” project starts with...
Greened by yourself — DIY greening platform

Greened by yourself — DIY greening platform

→Greened by your­self — DIY green­ing plat­form What if  we green the city our­selves — togeth­er and in the neigh­bour­hood? The idea of a “green oasis” in the con­cen­trat­ed, grey urban space is often appeal­ing. In many places there is a desire for plants in,...
Green Market Report

Green Market Report

→Green Mar­ket Report How can sus­tain­able growth be achieved with green infra­struc­tures? Green Infra­struc­ture on build­ings such as green roofs and walls is an impor­tant part of the NBS devel­op­ment across Europe in light of cli­mate change adap­ta­tion and...
Urban Vertical Green 2.0

Urban Vertical Green 2.0

→Urban Ver­ti­cal Green 2.0 Stake­hold­er Work­shop – facade green­ing: It is get­ting hot­ter in cities world­wide. We are look­ing for ways to reduce the heat­ing of cities. Due to the dense­ly built-up areas of cities and the asso­ci­at­ed high degree of sur­face...

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