The ONLINE Congress

The Con­fer­ence is being ini­ti­at­ed and orga­nized by Green4Cities, the inter­na­tion­al com­pe­tence cen­ter for urban green infra­struc­ture, and BOKU, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Nat­ur­al Resources and Life Sci­ences Vien­na. We have been occu­pied by the ques­tion how green infra­struc­ture could make our cities future- and cli­mate proof and more liv­able for some years now.

Over the past years, tech­ni­cal and polit­i­cal pre­con­di­tions have changed. How­ev­er, imple­men­ta­tion has to hap­pen at a much faster pace than it is now. We have to be bold­er and more rad­i­cal – and we have to see this in the coop­er­a­tion of all the rel­e­vant actors and cit­i­zens. This is the rea­son for the ini­ti­a­tion of this inno­v­a­tive conference.

The con­fer­ences focus and its core is the elab­o­ra­tion and ini­ti­a­tion of real projects, from project design to financ­ing. Keynote lec­tures in the form of pre-pub­lished inter­views will give the par­tic­i­pants a the­mat­ic overview at the begin­ning of the con­fer­ence. The con­gress aims to present real life prob­lems in the form of project ini­tia­tives. These then will be processed by par­tic­i­pants com­ing from diverse sec­tors and from all over Europe.

This way we want to enable even crazy, rad­i­cal and com­plete­ly new ideas to cul­mi­nate in viable project designs. 

Dipl-Ing. Doris Schnepf

Dipl-Ing. Doris Schnepf

Green4Cities, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor and Co-Founder

Prof. Dipl-Ing. Dr. Rosemarie Stangl

Prof. Dipl-Ing. Dr. Rosemarie Stangl

BOKU Vien­na, Head of Insti­tute of Soil Bio­engi­neer­ing and Land­scape Con­struc­tion (IBLB)

Oliver Weiss

Oliver Weiss

Green4cities, Con­gress Organisator

Andrea Wieser

Andrea Wieser

Green4cities, Con­gress Organisator

Pia Minixhofer

Pia Minixhofer

BOKU Vien­na, Uni­ver­si­ty assis­tant Insti­tute of Soil Bio­engi­neer­ing and Land­scape Con­struc­tion (IBLB)

Walter Kneitschel

Walter Kneitschel

DKT, Pub­lic Relations

Mario Simon

Mario Simon

Stu­dio MS, Graphicdesign

Maximilian Simon

Maximilian Simon

Stu­dio MS, Webdevelopment

Green4Cities Ltd.
Phone +43 676 330 28 04
Plenergasse 1 Top 5, 1180 Vienna
Austria • Europe