The ONLINE Congress
The Conference is being initiated and organized by Green4Cities, the international competence center for urban green infrastructure, and BOKU, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna. We have been occupied by the question how green infrastructure could make our cities future- and climate proof and more livable for some years now.
Over the past years, technical and political preconditions have changed. However, implementation has to happen at a much faster pace than it is now. We have to be bolder and more radical – and we have to see this in the cooperation of all the relevant actors and citizens. This is the reason for the initiation of this innovative conference.
The conferences focus and its core is the elaboration and initiation of real projects, from project design to financing. Keynote lectures in the form of pre-published interviews will give the participants a thematic overview at the beginning of the conference. The congress aims to present real life problems in the form of project initiatives. These then will be processed by participants coming from diverse sectors and from all over Europe.
This way we want to enable even crazy, radical and completely new ideas to culminate in viable project designs.

Dipl-Ing. Doris Schnepf
Green4Cities, Managing Director and Co-Founder

Prof. Dipl-Ing. Dr. Rosemarie Stangl
BOKU Vienna, Head of Institute of Soil Bioengineering and Landscape Construction (IBLB)

Oliver Weiss
Green4cities, Congress Organisator

Andrea Wieser
Green4cities, Congress Organisator

Pia Minixhofer
BOKU Vienna, University assistant Institute of Soil Bioengineering and Landscape Construction (IBLB)

Walter Kneitschel
DKT, Public Relations

Mario Simon
Studio MS, Graphicdesign

Maximilian Simon
Studio MS, Webdevelopment